Dorothy skipping down the Yellow Brick Road. Yes, Dorothy was Asian but MGM didn’t want to portray her as such.

The Wicked Witch of the West suddenly appears! “I’ll get you my pretty.”

The witch touches Dorothy with her scepter and they are magically taken to the witch’s dungeon.

With a touch of the scepter, Dorothy is bound by the wrists. She fears what is to come.

Another touch of the scepter and Dorothy’s top drops open. She’s embarrassed but oddly excited that another female as evil as she is, can see her breasts.

Another touch of the scepter and nipple clamps are attached “Ouch!”

“Okay, the ouch is somehow stimulating.”

The witch lifts the skirt and takes a shoehorn to Dorothy’s ass.

“So again, this hurts like a mother but still, sort of exciting. I’m afraid this will get much worse and not stimulating at all. I need help!”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Good Witch Glenda appears and challenges the Wicked Witch. Good Witch to Wicked, “Give me that scepter now and I’ll go easy on you.” Wicked, “Never!"

Good Witch Glenda closes her eyes to concentrate on her power and forces the scepter out of Wicked’s hand.

Glenda has now taken Wicked’s power.

With a touch of the wand Glenda releases the nipple clamps and thinks, “Nice tits!”

Another touch of the wand and Glenda says, “You’re collared bitch. You’re totally under my control now.” Dorothy thinks, “Yeah BITCH! Let’s see how tough you are now.”

Glenda takes Wicked’s cape.

A touch of the wand to release Dorothy.

Another touch of the wand puts Wicked into the wrist restraints.

A touch drops half her top.

Another touch drops the rest of the top and adds nipple clamps to the collar. Dorothy is intrigued.

Glenda checks to see that the nipple clamps are good and tight.

Glenda has removed all of Wicked’s clothing. Dorothy is fascinated, she has never seen another woman naked. She is somewhat stimulated.

Glenda, “Now it’s my turn to punish this witch!” Dorothy can’t wait.

Glenda, “I’ll use a paddle to inflict more pain.”

Dorothy thinks, “I love this.”

Glenda to Dorothy, “This is called a flogger. This will hurt even more!”

Dorothy is intrigued and excited just to watch this.

Dorothy thinks to herself, “I’ve heard girls talk about getting wet but until now….well, I think I’m getting wet for the first time.

Glenda senses Dorothy’s intrigue and excitement and offers her an opportunity to help out. Dorothy has never been more excited in her life!

Glenda coaches Dorothy, “Hit her harder.”

Glenda, “Hit her much harder!”

“Dorothy, I’ll take a paddle to her, you flog her from the other side

“Harder Dorothy, harder!”

Dorothy is dripping wet and loving this!

Glenda, “Good job Dorothy. Let’s put her on the floor.”

“Kiss my feet bitch!”

Dorothy can’t help herself but to take the flogger to Wicked again and yell, “she said kiss then bitch!”

Dorothy has never seen this sort of thing before but loves it and hopes to have her feet kissed sometime.

Glenda, “Dorothy, show Wicked who is in charge while I get a pic.”

Glenda, “Wicked, we are going to leave you here, bound in your own dungeon.” Dorothy, “Yeah, take that bitch!”

Dorothy, “Look Glenda, my top fell off again hee hee.” Glenda, “So I noticed, very nice!”

“Take my hand Dorothy, let’s get out of here.”

Dorothy, “Where to now?” Glenda, “My place.” Is there more to this relationship than meets the eye?

Tune in next year for the rest of the story.