For the Thanksgiving photoshoot, I decided to go with a dessert tray. I invited my friend to be the tray and invited Lexi to do the decorating and cleaning up. This was a fun shoot!
Unfortunately, this model, the tray doesn’t wish to be named or tagged but she is on other albums including; “Mother Nature”, “Standing Bondage” and “Cowboys Fan”.
And of course sexy Lexi who is featured a several albums, just have a look.

Setting up the dessert tray begins!
To my European friends, our Thanksgiving holiday is a big American Football day. Got a soccer idea? I’m open to it. Heck, I’m open to a Quidditch Cup photoshoot,

First, it’s whipped cream. Now waiting to see what’s next..

Strawberries, nice touch!

If you are looking at the football game, I’m doing my job wrong.

Is Lexi thinking about the girl in front of her or about Tom Brady? You never know with Lexi

Is Lexi thinking about the girl in front of her or about Tom Brady? You never know with Lexi

On Thanksgiving I’m grateful for many things, to include knowing these to women and the others who model here.

When you serve dessert cold but the tray is so hot it melts.

The final touches.
If you would like a dessert tray like this, I can make it happen. You just have to get to southwest Florida. Oh, and bring money. 😊

Time to eat!

Joe are you getting this? I want to go back and look at this many times.


“Oh my! That’s the best tasting strawberry I’ve ever had!”

“Okay, maybe that’s the best Strawberry I’ve ever had.”

When you close your eyes in order to taste it better.

The dessert tray said, “Joe, it’s my 3rd time here and by far, the most fun time!” “I told you it would be. Once Lexi begins to work her magic……well there’s a reason her screen name is SweetnSaltySIRON” Don’t get the reference? Look it up in Homer’s Odyssey.

At this point I think Lexi has forgotten I’m there.

Get every last drop!

Dorothy thinks, “I love this.”

I told the dessert girl. “You are welcome to use the shower.” At which point Lexi jumped in said, “No worries, I got this!”.

“Lexi, she’s clean already, she’s been clean for 10 minutes.”

“Thank you Joe!” “Absolutely my pleasure!”